There is an opinion that everything consumed for a late dinner remains in the body. And this is really possible if you go to bed immediately after eating. Then the body is unable to digest what is consumed. Because of this, it seems that eating flour-based foods at dinner is very harmful.
Food and hormones
Before talking about flour-based foods for dinner, you need to understand how hormones work. In addition, it is worth understanding their role in daily human life.
Obese people usually eat in a state of anxiety or because of food addiction, not because of hunger. This is due to the production of serotonin.
This hormone has several functions. It regulates appetite, controls body temperature, affects mood.
Serotonin is controlled by two parts of the brain: the pineal gland and the hypothalamus. These two parts function according to light and darkness.
Because of this, the hormone is more active during the day. At night, its level decreases and can cause depression, nervousness, or anxiety.
This means that you will eat more at night than in the morning.
But the most interesting thing is that this hormone “chooses” what foods it wants to consume. Of course, it does not prefer healthy food: fruits and vegetables. Instead, the choice falls on sweets, carbohydrates, fats, salty foods.
White wheat and depression
Many people who are trying to lose weight or are struggling with obesity are in a state of anxiety. Therefore, they consume foods that contain flour and sugar (or all together) to relieve stress.
This food has a calming effect and is something like an antidepressant. It is very harmful to health if you consume such foods at bedtime.
Sadness and frustration go hand in hand with an uncontrollable urge to eat a flour treat before bed. Consumption of refined carbohydrates promotes weight gain and complicates the weight loss process.
Eating flour choices in the evening is not harmful. The only problem is the number of these foods.
In addition, going to bed immediately after eating, without giving the body a chance to burn calories, creates an opportunity to gain extra pounds.
This is because the ingredients are very slow to digest. This can cause problems with the stomach or intestines (acidity, flatulence, constipation, etc.).
Also, keep in mind that you are addicted to foods that contain flour.
Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet is not an option. However, it is recommended to reduce their consumption in the evening.
Eat them for breakfast or lunch. They provide the energy needed to perform daily activities, in the process of which carbohydrates burn in a few hours.
If we talk about dinner, then it’s a little different. Still, energy is not needed during sleep.
On the other hand, choose foods that are easily digested in dinners, such as fruits and vegetables. With this version of dinner, sleep will be easy, and the problem of obesity will not affect you.
How to overcome the dependence generated by flour-based foods?
Theoretically, it is very easy to give up eating flour foods at bedtime. But in practice, it’s much harder to do, isn’t it?
Let’s talk about some tricks that will help reduce appetite. These tips help you not to overeat at bedtime.
This way flour-based foods will not be included in your dinner, and you will gradually lose weight.
1. Exercises
Physical activity is salvation in many ways. For example, it helps to improve physical condition and lose weight.
It also improves mood. Spend half an hour a day on moderate exercise and you will forget about anxiety, stress, and depression.
2. Eat more fruits
Always keep a plate of fruit on the table to avoid the temptation to eat sweets and carbohydrates.
Fruits stabilize blood sugar levels and saturate the body. They are enriched with water, fiber, and vitamins.
As soon as you want to eat chocolate, choose a delicious apple or banana.
3. Drink more water
Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst.
If you have a normal water balance in your body, it is unlikely that you will feel hungry at night.
4. Listen to your body
Learn to understand your body’s signals when your stomach growls with hunger. A hungry growl is a little different from just wanting to eat something.
To understand the difference between these feelings, it is worth analyzing what you would like to eat.
If the first thing that comes to mind is french fries or cookies, then you are not hungry. When a person is hungry, he can eat anything.
Picture Credit: Unsplash