To stimulate the production of growth hormone and promote the conversion of fat into energy, it is extremely important to sleep 8 hours a day. Sport, of course, significantly affects weight loss, but it is not enough.
Eating habits are closely linking to weight control. However, this is not the only factor due to which a person can gain or lose weight. In fact, hormones also play an important role.
Hormone imbalances
Some hormones are responsible for important body functions, such as metabolism, appetite, digestion, and other weight-related processes.
This is why hormone imbalances can lead to obesity. If you have such a problem, be sure to consult a specialist, because in some cases the opposite – hormonal failure occurs due to excess weight. A specialist will examine you and help you determine your actual health and give advice.
Because the effects of hormones on health are so significant, we will talk about the most important of them and talk about their relationship to weight.
Influence of hormones and weight control: leptin
This hormone is secreted by fat cells. It sends a signal to the brain that the body already has enough energy and needs to stop consuming calories.
That is why it is known as the “appetite suppressant”. Proper leptin balance in the body is extremely important for normal weight.
The problem is that excess fat leads to excessive levels of this hormone. As a result, the brain stops responding normally to hormone signals.
To prevent this, you need to eat more fruits, vegetables, and other foods rich in antioxidants.
Insulin is probably one of the most famous hormones. It is mostly talked about when it comes to diabetes.
The fact is that it controls blood sugar.
However, in addition to this important function, insulin plays an important role in nutrient metabolism. It increases energy consumption, which affects a person’s weight and general well-being.
That is why when a person’s insulin production is disrupted, sugar begins to accumulate in the form of fat, and it is very difficult to lose weight.
Cortisol is known as a stress hormone. It is associated with an increased accumulation of abdominal fat.
It controls the body’s fat stores, sugar levels, and metabolism. In addition, cortisol plays an important role in regulating blood pressure.
When this hormone is produced in excess, many negative reactions occur, which significantly impair the body’s work. That’s why it’s important to monitor your emotional health, relax more often and avoid unnecessary stress.
Estrogens and androgens
Estrogens are a group of mostly female hormones, while androgens are a group of male hormones.
Both types of hormones affect the distribution of fat in the body. This explains the weight changes that occur depending on your activity at each stage of life.
For example, in women of reproductive age, fat accumulates in the lower part of the body. However, during menopause, fat deposits begin to form more intensely on the abdomen.
HGH (Human Growth Hormone)
If you want to lose extra pounds faster and easier, pay attention to the effects of HGH on the body. It interacts with fat cells and helps convert them into energy.
To stimulate HGH, you need to perform intense exercise and sleep at least 8 hours.
This hormone speeds up the heartbeat and narrows blood vessels. It helps a person cope better with stressful situations and mobilizes its resources.
In addition, adrenaline is closely linking to the conversion of fat into energy.
It suppresses appetite and prevents the accumulation of abdominal fat, which is extremely important to prevent obesity.
The best way to stimulate the production of adrenaline and maintain its balance is regular exercise.
Adiponectin is a hormone that consists of adipose tissue. It affects the burning of glucose and fatty acids.
In addition, adiponectin increases the ability of muscles to receive energy from carbohydrates. It also accelerates the breakdown of fats in the body and controls appetite.
To balance the level of this hormone, it is recommended to exercise and consume more monounsaturated fats.
Irisin is a hormone that is produced during physical activity. Its main function is to burn calories more efficiently, especially after exercise.
It enters the white adipose tissue (harmful fat) through the blood and turns it into brown adipose tissue (useful fat).
As you can see, exercise and hormonal balance play an important role in weight control.
Unfortunately, we do not always understand when a situation gets out of control and a failure begins. So do not forget to follow the right habits and go to the doctor regularly. This will protect you from hormonal imbalances.
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