According to some sources, the history of this fleshy fruit of bright orange color goes back to ancient Greece – translated from Greek persimmon means “divine fire”. In other countries, persimmon is called the birthplace of China, where it is called “Chinese peach”. In other words, where this berry actually “originates” is unknown for certain.
When buying persimmon, pay attention to the following nuances: a ripe fruit must have a pronounced uniform orange color, and the stem is dry. If you bought an unripe berry, put it to ripen for several days in a warm room or put it in a paper bag with apples (this will ripen persimmon much faster). And to get rid of excessive astringency, which has an unripe berry, put the persimmon for two or three hours in the freezer.
Beneficial features
The first thing you want to draw your attention to is the composition of persimmon, which includes:
• a large amount of dietary fiber;
• monosaccharides;
• tannins and a large amount of beta-carotene, which are the strongest antioxidants;
• polyphenols and minerals;
• iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, malic and citric acid, tannin;
• vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP.
Thus, given the truly invaluable storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, persimmon:
• extremely useful for future moms;
• irreplaceable in avitaminosis and scurvy;
• due to the high content of vitamin C, helps prevent various colds and improve immunity;
• has a positive effect on the nervous system, improving mood, performance and concentration;
• due to the high content of potassium, it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
• strengthens eyesight;
• ideal for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the thyroid gland;
• has a beneficial effect on the digestive system;
• increases hemoglobin;
• prevents aging of skin cells, the formation of premature wrinkles, protects the skin from harmful effects;
• strengthens and protects the gums, reducing their bleeding;
• used in cosmetology for dilated pores and acne;
Hazardous properties
However, I want to warn you: taking into account the high content of sugars, astringents and tannin, persimmon should be used with caution:
• people suffering from diabetes;
• people who are prone to obesity;
• you should not give persimmon to children up to 3 years of age, because the binding fibers can provoke a stomach freeze (due to the immaturity of the digestive system);
• people who are not prone to allergies to any component in this berry and who do not have any other contraindications should eat no more than 3-4 fruits per day.
Bon appetit and bless you!
Picture Credit: Daria-Yakovleva