To increase the amount of muscle, requires regular physical activity, sufficient rest and sleep. Since it is possible to build muscle mass with traditional products, it will be necessary to adjust the diet. Nutrition for muscle growth should be varied and balanced.
How to build muscle mass with protein food
Protein nutrition for a set of muscle mass is made up of products of plant and animal origin. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve an equilibrium of amino acids, the absence of one does not allow one to assimilate the other.
Foods high in vegetable protein: nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, beans, brewer’s yeast, mushrooms, spinach, cheese, dairy products.
When eating foods rich in animal protein – turkeys, chicken, veal, beef, pork, fish – they should be as fresh as possible because the meat contains enzymes that destroy the amino acids of the protein. In addition, these amino acids are destroyed by the action of oxygen.
Why carbohydrates are important for muscle growth
The human body does not synthesize carbohydrates. They are produced by plants as a result of photosynthesis.
First, carbohydrates, depending on the rate of assimilation, were divided into two classes. Those who were absorbed soon after use were called “fast.” To “slow”, requiring digestion, carry starches.
Soon it was found out that any carbohydrates increase to the maximum the content of glucose in the blood half an hour after eating. This indicator was called a glycemic index and for glucose was taken equal to 100. Carbohydrates with a glycemic index above 50 were called “bad”, the rest – “good.”
“Bad” carbohydrates create an increased burden on the pancreas, with abuse increase body weight.
To build muscle mass the body needs carbohydrates of any kind. They are a source of energy for training, even “bad”, used in reasonable quantities. “Good” and “bad” carbohydrates remarkably restock.
When the blood glucose level decreases, there is a famine. The intake of carbohydrates increases the level of glucose. Under the action of insulin, produced by the pancreas, it decreases and after a while returns to normal.
Insulin gives the cells a “command” to absorb glucose from the blood, compensating for energy costs. The excess is converted into fatty deposits.
In the diet when building muscle mass should include “good” carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, try to avoid heat treatment: red pepper, plum, cherry, currant, sea buckthorn, raspberry, dried apricots, apples, prunes, almonds, blueberries, oranges, carrots, vinaigrette, fresh green peas, grapes.
Why build muscle mass fat
It would seem that the increase in muscle volume is not associated with the consumption of fat. In fact, fatty foods are the most important element of nutrition in the growth of muscle mass.
Fatty acids are needed to create cell membranes, various hormones, including testosterone, the formation of nerve endings. The use of fatty foods reduces the production of cholesterol by the liver.
Balanced intake of fat is necessary for metabolism. Abuse of fatty foods, especially in combination with “bad” carbohydrates (watermelons, melons, bananas, potatoes, chips, bread, cheese, sugar, honey, rice, grapes, sweets, sweet drinks and juices), disrupts metabolism, why fatty deposition.
In the composition of solid fats (fat, cheese, butter), polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate. They contain vitamins A and D.
On the other hand, metabolic processes in the fat tissue of humans and animals are reduced. There accumulate harmful substances, when fed with animal fats, they are in the human body.
Vegetable fats (sunflower, olive oil) contain unsaturated fatty acids – linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic, before they were called vitamin F. Unsaturated acids are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food.
Vegetable fats reduce permeability, increase the elasticity of the walls of the vessels, are necessary for the metabolism of B vitamins that are important in building muscle mass.
Deficiency in the intake of vegetable fats depresses the reproductive function. The growth processes are slowing down, the skin condition, contractility of the heart muscle deteriorates.
Vegetable fats contribute to the absorption of calcium, contain vitamin E. They are many in nuts, seeds.
Why diets interfere with building muscle mass
After the assimilation of carbohydrates, part of the glucose is converted into glycogen, deposited in the liver and muscles. When in the course of training for muscle mass, the glucose level decreases, the body begins to break down glycogen by enzymes, so that the muscles continue to receive enough glucose to produce energy.
The reserves of glycogen are about half a day. When they end, it is the turn of the splitting of proteins contained in the circulatory system, the liver, the cells, including those forming the muscle mass.
When the muscle cell is cleaved, vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium is excreted from the body. Often, muscle cells are destroyed when following a variety of diets. Reducing body weight by this method causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, fraught with serious health consequences.
At the stage of cleavage of the muscle protein in the body, enzymes that burn fat are also being developed.
Excess intake with carbohydrate nutrition causes an increase in glucose levels and the production of insulin. Insulin inhibits the activity of enzymes that break down fat deposits, causing increased weight, obesity. On the other hand, fatty foods interfere with the action of insulin.
Therefore, in order to reduce body fat, it is necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, to include fats in the diet.
Vitamins and minerals for muscle building
To increase muscle mass vitamins are needed, especially group B:
- Deficiency B1 (thiamine) is manifested by rapid fatigue, weakness in the muscles, tired legs.
- B2 (riboflavin) regulates metabolic processes, is necessary for growth, is part of enzymes that release energy from carbohydrates or fats. If there is a shortage of muscle, they stop accumulating energy, training causes one fatigue. Contained in eggs, bananas, ham.
- B6 (pyridoxine) is important for brain activity. Deficiency causes depression, dysfunction of the endocrine glands, diabetes.
To grow muscle, you need different trace elements.
Why the growth of muscle tissue requires sports
Increasing the volume of muscle mass is impossible without physical exertion. Correctly selected exercises with weights improve the state of health, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and capillary circulation. To increase stamina, it is worthwhile to do walking, swimming, skiing, aerobics, and dancing.
Physical activity stimulates the activity of enzymes that break down fatty deposits. The released energy is spent on muscle contractions.
Regular sports exercises help to relieve muscles of some amino acids. With a sedentary lifestyle, they acquire toxic properties, interfere with the assimilation of other amino acids.
In the absence of physical activity, part of the muscle tissue is gradually destroyed, the body loses vitamin B6, zinc, other trace elements.
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